Is this a Memoir? Too Cliché for me!

Some day in 2020:

I constantly think of flying. No, not in planes to somewhere. I don’t have a destination in mind.

Just flying, like the birds. To have wings, to be free, just the clouds, a hot sun, a gush of wind, me.

To fly, just like the birds. To even write this gives me happiness. When I do fly, in planes (mind you I am not secretly a mutant), I would look in the clouds and think, “man, this is life. Its right outside and I am in a tin can looking at it.

Not sure if this prose makes any sense, or if it gives you an insight into my - what Meryl Streep in that movie calls - “delusions of grandeur”. Not sure if you have pegged me for a cuckoo, which I must note, is a bird and ergo, flies.

To me, there is no greater sin than to cage a bird! To admire its wings and enslave it for exactly that! Those that do, would call it kindness, and I know I can never see see eye to eye with them. Like Creator and Penguins. 


Wings to me means freedom. 

Wings to me means a breath of air, pure and raw. 

Just that one captivating sound, 

like the one you hear 

when you press a conch to your ear.

The sound of sea.

I was not always like this. Truth is, I had so many different notions about what I wanted from life. But now, I know there is no greater value in life than freedom. I now understand why every fundamental right guaranteed to us by our Country starts with the word “Freedom of…”. To receive freedom means to receive life itself.

Now you can catch me standing at the balcony, and feeling like I would burst into tears just by watching the birds fly. I would take my child too to the balcony, though I believe his young and innocent heart is trapped in the sole game of plucking my garden flowers and playing “she loves me not” games.


No, I am not cuckoo, despite your kind judgment!  I am saying, I would be Cuckoo, the bird, if I could.


P.S: These words are not written to enrich your life in any manner. Its probably written because wordpress reminded me my website is idle and I cant write in wordpress. And also because I am waiting on a call, skipping lunch.